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0d9f8e517c Kool & the Gang Bangers - Hate The World - RADIOLANTAU.COM

0d9f8e517c Kool & the Gang Bangers - Hate The World - RADIOLANTAU.COM

A 71 second blast of scratchy, lo fi nihilism today courtesy of the wonderfully named Kool & the Gang Bangers. They're from Little Rock, Arkansas and

remind me a little of Buck Biloxi And The Fucks. Minimalist punk rock songs that don't outstay their welcome, cheap & cheerfully recorded and very good indeed. They've just released what I assume is their debut ep, it's 7 tracks in less than 10 minutes with lyrics about wanting to hide away at home, deadbeats that want your spare change or they'll stab you in the face, losers with nothing better to do than watch tv, not wanting to hang around with people that are full of shit etc....

It's on nofidelity records (though I'll be fucked if I can find a link anywhere for the label) and it's on Bandcamp :

This song is full of anger and loathing for oneself, ones locale and one's fellow man & woman (and even for one's dog!). It's called Hate The World...

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