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a314aa7384 Skull Cult - Braindead - RADIOLANTAU.COM

a314aa7384 Skull Cult - Braindead - RADIOLANTAU.COM

Skull Cult are from Bloomington, Indiana. As I know pretty much nothing about them this will be a pretty short update but worry not, it just

means you get to the music sooner. They released a Self Titled album in 2017 (

) which earnt them comparisons with the likes of Coneheads and Liquids. Definitely required listening for those of you that like their punk to be on the quirky side.

As well as the album, there's also a number of other releases including their recent New Mutilator ep. Check them out here :

The ep features 5 tracks, one of which will be familiar to fans of Talking Heads. Think slightly weird, think very wonderful and you won't be far off. This is the opening track, it's called Braindead....

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