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aea33fc414 More Kicks - It's A Drag - RADIOLANTAU.COM

aea33fc414 More Kicks - It's A Drag - RADIOLANTAU.COM

More Kicks are a power pop 3 piece from London who formed late last year and who's line up is comprised of James 'Sulli' Sullivan (vocals/guitar),

Marco Busato (bass/vocals) and Kris Hood (drums). Sulli has featured on here a couple of times previously with his other band, Suspect Parts whilst Kris has graced the likes of Los Pepes, Miscalculations and Scraps and Marco was in Eliphant.

They recently released their debut single, titled It's A Drag it's available on 7" vinyl from Snap!! Records and is on Bandcamp here :

As you might expect given the pedigree of Suspect Parts and Los Pepes, the 3 songs on the single are infectiously catchy. They tag themselves as garage, pop, power pop and I think that describes them pretty much to a tee. Over production and modern recording techniques have given pop music a bad name in recent years but when it's done properly there's still a joy to be had from listening to a catchy song. 60's boy band meets 70's punk and hits a home run (I even picked up a subtle hint of Wedding Present type C-86 influenced guitar in there). Supposedly single number 2 is straining at the leash and hopefully won't be long.

This is It's A Drag...

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