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a6665bae59 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM

a6665bae59 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM

A couple of months back on the show I played Sleeping On Cardboard by MC16, it caused a stir with the chatroom so I stuck it
b420a4ab29 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM

b420a4ab29 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM
(photo : Josephine Fournis)

The weekend has arrived so I suppose I better start putting together a playlist for Tuesday's Just Some Punk Songs show (shameless plug

de9c25bbb5 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM

de9c25bbb5 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM

Hard Wax are the UK "bovver rock" band featuring Tom Boutwood (Arch Rivals, Hostile Minds) and Matt Couch (Hostile Minds) who've appeared on here a couple
9f71b89b77 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM

9f71b89b77 Music Reviews - RADIOLANTAU.COM
(photo : @andyisrad)

One band that never disappoint are New Jersey hardcore surf punks Night Birds. It's been a while since their last release but last week

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