Show Notes
- What the hell does “Gunter Glibber Gluaten Globen” mean in Def Leppard’s “Rock of Ages”?The answer on the show!
- How would you rank Iron Maiden albums?
- What album
- was the foundation of both Doom Metal and Stoner Metal?
- Brand New Hair Metal from Russia
- Controversial new music from Highly Suspect
- NewHighly Suspect, Ayron James, Cold Kingdom, From Ashes to New, RedScool (RSC), Seether, and Kansas
- Hits & Deep Cuts from Creed, Black Sabbath, Monster Magnet, Iron Maiden, Europe, Def Leppard, the Scorpions, Kiss, Blended Brew, and more!
Own the hits and deep cuts you hear on Hard, Heavy & Hair! Click the iTunes/Apple Music or Amazon Digital Music icons to the left of each song.
Ozzy Osbourne – 21st Century Schizoid Man
Jordan Red – Don’t Let The Heavens Fall
Iron Maiden – Stranger in a Strange Land
Guns N’ Roses – Think About You
Skid Row – Can’t Stand the Heartache
The Hu – Wolf Totem (Radio Edit) [Feat. Jacoby Shaddox of Papa Roach]
Cover Song of the Week
Cover: Love The Hate – Whats on Your Mind (Pure Energy)
Original: Information Society – What’s on Your Mind (Pure Energy)
Beds by Audionautix.
Transcript of the Show
[INTRO]Turn it up! You don’t have to be afraid!
Hard, Heavy & Hair is a hurricane!
Loud! I love it loud… with Kiss
KISS – I Love It Loud
Kiss kicking us off and letting us know where we belong, no more treated like aliens, no lies, no more alibis. Rock on, won’t be tranquilized.
My name is Pariah Burke, and I’m your hard talking, heavy drinking, hairball of a horny hedonist host.
Thank you for joining me.
I’ve got a great show for you this week. I’ll tell you all about it after brand new Hair Metal out of Russia. This is RSC, RedScool with “Shadow Lady.”
RedScool (RSC) – Shadow Lady
Wow! Can you believe that band is currently unsigned? That’s RSC, RedScool, with members in St Petersburg, Russia and Los Angeles, California. The band’s native language is Metal.
That was just the first of the new songs on this week’s Hard, Heavy & Hair. You’ll also hear new Ayron James, From Ashes to New, Seether, Kansas–yes, THAT Kansas–and plenty more. And I’ve got hits and deep cuts from Black Sabbath, Europe, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, and more!
Right now it’s Ozzy, the “21st Century Schizoid Man” followed by the latest Metal from the country of Wales–that’s in the United Kingdom, between England and Scotland, in case you got an American public school education like me.
Ozzy Osbourne – 21st Century Schizoid Man
Jordan Red – Don’t Let The Heavens Fall
“Don’t Let the Heavens Fall,” the latest song out of Cardiff, Wales duo Jordan Red. In addition to frontman Dan Leigh and guitarist Dan Baker, you just heard drummer Dave Fee and bass player Conor O’Keefe, both on loan from As Lions.
Europe, Maiden, and your first Cover Song of the Week clue is next.
You’re just in time for “The Final Countdown” on Hard, Heavy & Hair.
Europe – The Final Countdown
Iron Maiden – Stranger in a Strange Land
A lot of people argue that The Number of the Beast and Powerslave are Iron Maiden’s best and second-best albums, respectively, but I gotta say, I put Somewhere in Time at number 2. Beast is number 1, in my opinion, with Somewhere in Time in being Maiden’s second best album, and Powerslave… Well, it actually lands at number 4, on my personal list of best Maiden albums. Seventh Son takes the 3rd slot.
What do you other Maiden Troopers think? What your Iron Maiden top 5 albums, in order? Talk to me on Facebook on the Hard, Heavy & Hair page, or on Instagram or Twitter, both with the @PariahRocks handle.
Ready for your first Cover Song of the Week clue? It’s a little long, and I got off on a tangent about Maiden albums, so I’ll give you that clue after brand new Kansas, “Jets Overhead.”
Kansas – Jets Overhead
What do you think of the new Kansas single? They’re staying true to their roots as Progressive Hard Rock while keeping that Classic Rock influence. The new album, The Absence of Presence, dropped last week if you want to hear more. There’s a link in the show notes on
But now, it’s time for your first Cover Song of the Week clue.
All the Cover Song of the Week clues will be about the song being covered instead of about the original artist or the covering artist. The song itself is one of those super-catchy late-80s tracks that everyone knows, which makes it much more likely you’d get hints about the song than hints about the (almost) one-hit-wonder who originally released it, and the newer, up-and-coming Alabama Hard Rock and Metal band who covered it this year.
That said, let’s start with the traditional toughest clue first.
Released in June 1988, this dance-ready, techno-beat song with the hooky, memorable chorus and sound clips from a hugely popular TV show, tells the story of the trouble people can have communicating with each other.
That’s the first clue–short, but tough. Easier clues are coming up.
This is the Hard, Heavy & Hair Show, your weekly dose of Hard Rock, Metal, and Hair Bands from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, 20-teens, and today, including the latest new releases, your old favorites, and deep cuts and rare hair.
Seether just dropped a brand new song–which I’m about to spin for you–but it’s a little different than the average Seether track. Here’s what frontman and lead songwriter Shaun Morgan had to say about it.
[Clip – Me: “So tell everybody who you are.”][Clip – Shaun Morgan response][Clip – Me: “Where did ‘Dangerous’ come from, Shaun?”][Clip – Shaun Morgan response][Clip – Me: “Let’s spin it. Here it is.”]—————————————-
Seether – Dangerous
Brand new Seether song “Dangerous.” That puts me in the mood for more new music. How about the latest lethal combination of fury and sentiment, emotional lyrics wrapped in an unbreakable Hard Rock casing? This is “Devil in Me” from Cold Kingdom.
Cold Kingdom – Devil In Me
And now, let’s slip back to the 80s with a Guns N’ Roses deep cut, ’cause we all have that someone we still think about years later.
Guns N’ Roses – Think About You
Skid Row – Can’t Stand the Heartache
Skid Row “Can’t Stand the Heartache” because so bleeds the red, red rose.
Let’s pause for just a moment while the broken hearts in the audience (and on this side of the microphone) compose themselves.
Smoke ’em–or vape ’em–if you got ’em. This is Black Sabbath followed by Monster Magnet.
Black Sabbath – Into the Void
Monster Magnet – Space Lord
“Space Lord” off Monster Magnet’s 1998 LP Powertrip chasing 1971 Black Sabbath “Into the Void.” The album that track comes from, Master of Reality, turns 49 years old on July 21st. That album is the foundation of Doom Metal and Stoner Metal, and directly inspired Monster Magnet’s 90s Stoner Metal.
Ready for another Cover Song of the Week clue?
Both the 1988 original and the new 2020 cover of the Cover Song of the Week include a two-word clip from a famous and influential TV show. So integral to the song is this two-word soundbite, that the song had to be subtitled with those two words. Just about everyone on Earth has heard the song. It’s known in places where no one has gone before. Still, most people don’t even know the real title of the song or the name of the band who originally released it. They just know those two words sampled from a TV show.
Think about it. In the next clue, I might even give you those two words.
From 70s and 90s heavy grooves to brand new heavy grooves, this is the latest from an artist just up the road from me in a grey, overcast suburb of Portland called Seattle. This is Ayron Jones with “Take Me Away.”
Ayron Jones – Take Me Away
Controversial New Highly Suspect, the Cover Song of the Week, and classic Def Lep and the Crue, among other things, coming up.
Let’s do a triple-shot of experimental Metal finishing with the newest single out of From Ashes to New. This is Mongolian Metal on “Wolf Totem.” It’s the HU featuring Jacoby Shaddox of Papa Roach.
The Hu – Wolf Totem (Radio Edit) [Feat. Jacoby Shaddox of Papa Roach]Creed – Higher
From Ashes to New – Panic
Brand new From Ashes to New, “Panic,” there, following 90s Creed and “Higher.” Next is legendary producer Mutt Lange bored in the studio with Def Leppard.
So what the hell does…
[clip: Rock of Ages]…mean?
Do you know?
No, it’s not “1, 2, 3, 4” in German. That would be “eins, zwei, drei, vier”. So what does “gunter glieben glauten globen” mean? Not a damned thing. Producer Mutt Lange, in the studio with Def Leppard recording and producing Pryomania, got tired of counting the boys from Sheffield up with “1, 2, 3, 4,” so he changed it up with a bunch of non-sensical words that sort of sound German. That’s it. That’s the true story.
Now see if you hear “Rock of Ages” the same ever again.
Def Leppard – Rock of Ages
Scorpions – No One Like You
Blended Brew – Don’t Say No
Blended Brew is a band out of Denmark. That song, “Don’t Say No,” is from their sophomore album Shove It Down.
Ahead of Blended Brew was the Scorpions and “No One Like You.”
Before I play this next song I feel I need to give a disclaimer–one I didn’t have Tara record because I never thought I’d need it. The Hard, Heavy & Hair Show with Pariah Burke is not political and does not endorse or support any particular political party, objective, or cause. I mean, really: With the amount of bourbon I drink, do you really want me saying anything about politics? Except for this, this wholly endorse, especially the retort to Kanye.
[ID – Kanye for President]Kanye West, everyone. A total douchebag.
Anyway, so the band Highly Suspect just released a new song, which I’m about to play, without saying I agree or disagree with the song. Here’s what the band had to say in an email to me, quote: “In these tumultuous times, music is what brings us together. We’re sending you ‘Canals.’ We have no expectations of chasing the charts. We know ‘Canals’ is controversial, and some [radio stations] wouldn’t dare touch it.” End quote.
Well, that pretty much guaranteed I’m going to play it, because Hard, Heavy & Hair doesn’t back down when someone challenges whether I have the balls to play a song.
This is the new single from Highly Suspect, “Canals.” Do with it what you will. Agree with it. Disagree with it. Love it. Hate it. Get angry about it–for either reason.
Highly Suspect – Canals
So… If you haven’t changed the station half way through that new single from Highly Suspect, then you either, A) agree with the song, B) recognize that the show and I don’t take a political stance on either side of the aisle, or, C) are one of my stalkers and still fantasizing about having my babies or how nice it will be to greet my severed head in your freezer every morning. Or, maybe, option D), you just REALLY want to know what the Cover Song of the Week is. If that’s the case, you’re in luck, because here’s another Cover Song of the Week clue for you:
I told you that song includes a sample from a famous TV show, and that the two-word dialog sample is what nearly everyone thinks of when they think of the song. Those two words come from the original Star Trek television series, spoken by Mr. Spock in the episode titled “Errand of Mercy.” They come from this scene:
[clip “Errand of Mercy”]What words did Mr. Spock utter next? Those two words will give away the Cover Song of the Week. Note: I shortened that scene in a way that has no bearing on the clue.
Think you know the song? Find out if you’re right next.
[COW]Have you figured out the Cover Song of the Week? The title is “What’s On Your Mind,” but almost no one knows it by that title. Instead, they know it by the subtitle mandated by how catchy a two-word movie soundbite is throughout the song. That soundbite is from the original Star Trek TV series, from the episode titled “Errands of Mercy” from Season 1 of that show. The complete line Mr. Spock utters right after a pair of highly advanced aliens turn to energy and disappear in front of him, is this:
[clip “Errand of Mercy” 2]American Synth-Pop band Information Society sampled that line–and another from a different episode of Star Trek–in their 1988 hit “What’s On Your Mind (Pure Energy)”.
Most recently, up-and-coming Hard Rock band Love the Hate out of Mobile, Alabama covered the song. Their rendition is this week’s Cover Song of the Week. Here it is, followed immediately by the Information Society original.
Love The Hate – Whats on Your Mind (Pure Energy)
Information Society – What’s on Your Mind (Pure Energy)
The song title is “What’s On Your Mind,” subtitled “Pure Energy” because of that Mr. Spock sample. You just heard the original by Information Society following the Hard, Heavy & Hair Cover Song of the Week by Hard Rockers Love the Hate.
If you missed any part of this show, you can stream it again on-demand 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, from, that’s P-A-R-I-A-H-R-O-C-K-S-dot com. That’s the Hard, Heavy & Hair Show’s official website, which also includes the very latest up to the minute Hard Rock and Metal news and album and concert reviews, ways to contact me for requesting songs or serving paternity suit subpoenas.
If you want to talk about something other than what I did to your sister or wife, connect with me on Twitter and Instagram @PariahRocks and on Facebook At-Pariah-Rocks-You. Give me a like on Facebook and let me know you care.
My name is Pariah Burke, I’m your hard talking, heavy drinking, hairball of a horny host and producer. Thank you for joining me for this week’s Hard, Heavy & Hair Show.
If the Synth-Pop of the original has you enraged, reach down and let out that frustration with a “Primal Scream.” Motley Crue is going to play us out.
Mötley Crüe – Primal Scream
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