Show Notes
- Receive the Gospel of Guitar from Randy Rhoads, Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, George Lynch, Kelly Keeling, Joe Perry, Richie Sambora, Slash, and more!
- Guitar god Yngwie
- Malmsteen’s U.S. Metal debut
- The man who named WASP—hint: It wasn’t Blackie Lawless!
- NewDoro, Gilby Clarke, Starset, 10 Years, Bad Omens, Bad Touch, Fame on Fire, and Ron Coolen with George Lynch and Keith St. John
- Hits & Deep Cuts from Kiss, Heart, Baton Rouge, Helix, Bad Actress, Speed Stroke, Bon Jovi, Cilver, Aerosmith, Ozzy, Van Halen, and more
- Ron Keel‘s major label debut
- Hard rocking sisters
- Rare Hair from Steeler
- Chart-Climber by Volbeat
- Pariah reviews (and grammar natzis) Larceny Very Small Batch wheated bourbon.
Own the hits and deep cuts you hear on Hard, Heavy & Hair! Click the iTunes/Apple Music or Amazon Digital Music icons to the left of each song.
Bad Actress – High-Speed Heartbreak
Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead or Alive
Baton Rouge – Hot Blood Movin’
Electric Boys – Psychedelic Eyes
Van Halen – Runnin’ With the Devil
Beds by Audionautix.
Transcript of the Show
[INTRO]Saddle up, all you Heavy Metal Cowboys, and let’s ride with Helix!
[ID – Brian Vollmer]—————————————-
Helix – Heavy Metal Cowboys
Helix and “Heavy Metal Cowboys” from 1990’s Back for Another Taste LP.
Coming up in the next two hours are new songs from Doro, Gilby Clarke, Starset, 10 Years, Bad Omens, Bad Touch, Fame on Fire, and Ron Coolen with George Lynch and Keith St. John;
Guitar god Yngwie Malmsteen’s U.S. Metal debut
The man who named WASP–hint: It wasn’t Blackie Lawless!
…And a whole bunch of your favorite Hard Rock, Metal, and Hair Band hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, 20-teens, and today.
This is Ozzy Osbourne featuring Randy Rhoads. It’s “I Don’t Know.”
Ozzy Osbourne – I Don’t Know
KISS – War Machine
Kiss and the very heavy “War Machine.”
I just opened a new bourbon I haven’t tried before. It’s called Larceny and claims to honor John E. Fitzgerald, a U.S. Treasury Agent who ignored the law and freely sampled bourbons he was responsible for locking up. The… label clearly needs a proofreader. There’s incomplete sentences… bad punctuation… Treasury is a proper name and should be capitalized.
Larceny was introduced in 2012, but the front of the bottle says “Establish 1870.” I don’t know what that’s about.
It’s 92 proof, which is decent. The biggest thing is that Larceny is a wheated bourbon, using wheat mash instead of rye, like most Kentucky bourbons.
I hope this $50 bourbon tastes better than the amateurish label implies. Who knows? Maybe they spent all their money making a great bourbon and couldn’t afford even to have a college student proofread the label?
Mm. Nope. No. I do not like this. Let me try another sip.
No, I don’t care for Larceny bourbon. It’s not bad. I detect cherries, caramel, vanilla… oak… some other spices. Some sweetness. It just doesn’t agree with my palette. You might enjoy it, but it’s not for me.
I’ve got a full metric fifth here, minus a double-shot. I’ll probably give the bottle to a friend’s teenager.
I’m joking! Of course I wouldn’t do that… Especially after saying I was going to do it on the radio.
I’ll give the bottle to a homeless person.
While I raid my in-studio bar to find what I AM going to drink for the rest of the show, let’s rock out with the latest from Bad Actress. This is “High-Speed Heartbreak.”
Bad Actress – High-Speed Heartbreak
I’ve decided to sip Knob Creek neat for now. Coming up is your first Cover Song of the Week clue, Aerosmith, and brand new Bad Omens.
Welcome to the Hard, Heavy & Hair Show, your weekly dose of Hard Rock, Metal, and Hair Bands from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, 20-teens, and today, including the latest new releases, your old favorites, and deep cuts and rare hair.
My name is Pariah Burke, and I’m your hard talking, heavy drinking, hairball of a horny hedonist host.
Thank you for joining me.
I just pushed play on Aerosmith!
Aerosmith – Just Push Play
Cilver – Turns Me On
Cilver, a band I first saw opening for Sixx:A.M. They’re from New York City and fronted by Romanian front woman Uliana Preotu.
Ready for your first Cover Song of the Week clue? It’s coming up after brand new Bad Omens. This is “Limits” on Hard, Heavy & Hair, the show without any.
Bad Omens – Limits
Here’s your first Cover Song of the Week clue. Remember: the first clue is always the hardest.
Let’s talk about the artist performing the Metal Cover Song of the Week. They’re a four-piece Power Metal band from the same city as Romeo and Juliet, which might have influenced their decision to cover the international smash hit Pop song as a Metal version while the original was still on the charts. This band was founded in 1999 by guitarist Andrea Martongelli, who remains the only original member. Their most recent album, which is more Heavy Metal and Thrash than Power Metal, is 2017’s Blood-Fury-Domination.
You may know the band.
More and easier clues later.
Right now is the newest from Dutch multi instrumentalist Ron Coolen. This is “Sin City,” which features George Lynch as well as Keith St. John, frontman for Kingdom Come, Burning Rain, and Montrose.
Ron Coolen – Sin City (feat. George Lynch and Keith St. John)
Do you know who named the band WASP? You will soon. Be right back.
I’m Pariah Burke. On a steel horse I ride, especially now that the sun has finally come out for the summer. Grab your loaded six-string and saddle up with Bon Jovi.
Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead or Alive
Baton Rouge – Hot Blood Movin’
New Jersey to Baton Rouge is a nice ride on a softail. I’ve done that.
You just heard Bon Jovi (from New Jersey) followed by the band Baton Rouge, fronted by smokey-voiced guitarist Kelly Keeling, on the song “Hot Blood Movin'” from the band’s 1990 sophomore album.
How about something new? This is Starset and “Trials” on Hard, Heavy & Hair.
Starset – Trials
Ready for your next Cover Song of the Week clue?
In case you’re new to the Cover Song of the Week, here’s a quick recap of the game: Every week, I play a Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, or Hair Band song that is a cover version of someone else’s song–from any possible genre. Right after the cover, I play the original so that you, a true music fan, can compare and contrast the cover to the original and decide which you like better.
BUT, I don’t TELL you what the Cover Song of the Week is until right before I play it. Leading up to that moment in the last half hour of the show, I drop overt clues and subtle hints in the hopes that you will figure out the Cover Song of the Week, the covering artist, and/or the original artist before I reveal them. Got it?
Good. So, here’s your second clue.
The Cover Song of the Week original was the 2008 comeback hit for a Pop solo artist who started her career as a child on the Mickey Mouse Club with Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling, and who would later, allegedly, become romantically involved with Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst before suffering a mental breakdown that had her spontaneously shave her head bald on camera in 2007.
If you know the Princess of Pop singer I’m talking about, then think of her big hits. The Cover Song of the Week original isn’t her biggest, but it IS one of her five Billboard Number 1s.
Coming up: the musical question of who fucked who and guitar god Yngwie Malmsteen’s U.S. Metal debut in rare hair.
I hope your mama told you that nice boys don’t play Rock N’ Roll, ’cause it’s true.
From G n’ R Lies, this is Guns N’ Roses and Nice Boys, released in its original form as a live track.
Guns N’ Roses – Nice Boys
Yngwie Malmsteen is an undisputed Metal guitar god, but do you know where he got his start? The very first band he was in in the U.S. was a band fronted by Ron Keel, who would later lead his eponymous band, Keel, which is still releasing music. Both Yngwie and Keel got their start in a band called Steeler. Steeler only ever released one album, and it’s become a highly sought after collector’s item since. Of course, it’s in my collection.
Here is truly rare hair, the U.S. debut of Yngwie Malmsteen and of Ron Keel. This is Steeler with “Cold Day in Hell’.
Steeler – Cold Day in Hell
Speed Stroke – Who Fkd Who
That was modern Italian Glam and Sleaze Metal band Speed Stroke with “Who Fkd Who.”
Let’s shift back to Knoxville, Tennessee for the latest from American Metal band 10 Years. This is “The Shift” on Hard, Heavy & Hair.
10 Years – The Shift
The Cover Song of the Week, brand new Doro, Bad Touch, and Gilby Clarke, and more coming up!
I once knew… biblically… a woman with psychedelic eyes. Or maybe we were just tripping. Here’s the Electric Boys.
[ID – Conny Bloom]—————————————-
Electric Boys – Psychedelic Eyes
Fame On Fire – Headspace
Volbeat – Leviathan
Volbeat with “Leviathan” following “Headspace” from Fame on Fire.
We’re getting closer to the Cover Song of the Week! It’s almost time for your third and final clue!
Welcome back to the Hard, Heavy & Hair Show where we’re all just Bad Animals.
Heart – Bad Animals
Van Halen – Runnin’ With the Devil
Sister Hard Rockers Anne and Nancy Wilson with their band Heart and the title track to their 1987 album Bad Animals before guitar virtuous Eddie Van Halen and HIS band went “Runnin’ with the Devil.”
As I pour myself a new glass of Knob Creek bourbon, I’m going to serve YOU up a double, too. Here’s two deep and savory ounces of new music from former Guns N’ Roses member Gilby Clarke and Teutonic Metal Goddess Doro Pesch. I suggest you sip and savor Gilby, but shoot Doro straight and hard.
And that, as Gilby sings, is “The Gospel Truth.”
Gilby Clarke – The Gospel Truth
Doro – Brickwall
Damn! The Queen of Heavy Metal there, Doro Pesch, still ripping out the Metal vocals and still looking sexy and powerful as ever at age 56.
Ready for your final Cover Song of the Week clue? Here it is.
The title and subject of the Cover Song of the Week is another word for a playa, a mack daddy, a pimp, a manwhore, a playboy, a lorthario, someone your grandparents might have called a ladykiller or in polite company, a man about town.
Figure out the common English term associated with all those slang terms, and you’ll know the title of the 2008 original and 2010 cover that is the Cover Song of the Week.
Think you got it? All will be revealed momentarily. The Cover Song of the Week is next.
[COW]Arthemis is a Power, Thrash, and Heavy Metal band from Verona, Italy–Fair Verona, as Shakespeare called it in his sonnet Romeo and Juliet. I wonder if that had anything to do with their desire to turn Britney Spears’ number 1 pop hit with EDM beats “Womanizer” into a Metal cover? Whatever they were thinking, Arthemis did a great job with a highly unlikely Heavy Metal cover. Here it is, followed by the original so you can compare and constrast. After it is a new Metal song from Bad Touch. This is “Womanizer.”
Arthemis – Womanizer
Britney Spears – Womanizer
A Power Metal version of “Womanizer” by Italian band Arthemis is the Hard, Heavy & Hair Cover Song of the Week. You just heard it followed by the original Pop version by Britney Spears.
This is SteelCity “I Cry.”
[ID – Mike Floros]—————————————-
SteelCity – I Cry
We’re almost to that brand new deep cut from Bad Touch.
If you missed any part of this show, you can stream it again on-demand 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, from, that’s P-A-R-I-A-H-R-O-C-K-S-dot com.
If you enjoy the show, please like and follow Hard, Heavy & Hair on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It’s actually pretty important to a radio show like mine to get you to like and follow, so, please, do me a favor?
My name is Pariah Burke, I’m your hard talking, heavy drinking, hairball of a horny host and producer. Thank you for joining me for this week’s Hard, Heavy & Hair Show. There’s another all new one next week, same station, same time.
Bad Touch is a new band I’m really excited about, and to end the show, I thought I’d play for you the title track to their new album Kiss the Sky. Enjoy!
Bad Touch – Kiss the Sky
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