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Hong Kong 360 - Episode 45 - Jazz Fusion

This week we continue a theme started last week when we spoke with Clarence Chang, founder of Jazz World Live Series here in Hong Kong. On the show last week we discussed some great music, and I thought we’d close out Season 2 of Hong Kong 360 w/ Mark Hooper playing the music that I love and that we discussed --jazz fusion. Jazz fusion really had its heyday in the 1970s and 1980s, and some great bands emerged from those days: Return to Forever with Chich Corea, Weather Report, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, Herbie Hancock and many others. Today…we’ll listen to some of this iconic music….


“Song To The Pharoah Kings” – Return to Forever featuring Chick Corea

“Nubian Sandance” – Weather Report

“Spank-A-Lee” – Herbie Hancock

“Red Baron” – Billy Cobham

“What It Is” – Miles Davis

“Snake Oil” – Tony Williams Lifetime

Jazz-Fusion-Image Hong Kong 360 - Episode 45 - Jazz Fusion - RADIOLANTAU.COM

Please tune in to Hong Kong 360 w/ Mark Hooper Thursday night at 7 PM on and archived soon thereafter.

Author: Mark Hooper

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