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Gnarly Mike

"Throwing rubbish is not a cool thing to do!" Frankie McYuen has provided the people of Cheung Sha with neighbourhood-bought groceries for a while now. The shop, Lantau Grocer, has its own Facebook page (of course!) and McYuen isn't averse to delivering food to nearby villages at short notice. When the environment is in trouble, as it was (and still is) from late June this year, McYuen isn't afraid to roll up his sleeves and start cleaning up the tons of mainland and Hong Kong-generated plastic suffocating his beloved Cheung Sha Beach. Hear his views on the EPD, the rubbish problem and what should be done, on Resident Voices.

IMG_0816 Resident Voices 9 - Frankie McYuen - RADIOLANTAU.COM

Hear Frankie McYuen on Resident Voices on on Friday at 1pm, (repeated on Sunday sometime after 1pm) and in the archive a few days later.

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