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Join Radio Lantau - Hong Kong's number one radio station welcomes volunteers to get involved with the station by hosting shows, DJing music or reporting on events. This can be done live or pre-recorded.

All positions are unpaid and for the benefit of the community.  If you would like to get involved email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

However there are some guidelines that must be followed.

We are a professional broadcasting organisation and not accept content that is:

  • Defamatory - slanderous or libellous
  • Discriminatory, e.g. racist, abusive
  • Supporting illegal activity
  • Offensive

Some bad language is acceptable, and we welcome the voice of common sense. 


We are looking for volunteers to host radio programmes

Join our awesome team!

If you have an idea for a radio programme, or would like to broadcast a live event to the whole of Lantau - email for details.